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Instagram: @rowan.brady


Rowan Brady, born in Singapore, travelling navy brat and offshore rig worker then. Enjoy being with animals and in the outdoors, photography and writing. Worked at Hunting and Fishing in pursuit of this passion and now as an account manager.

What inspired me to start hunting:

I grew up in South East Asia and so fishing and small game was really all that was easily available to me. Shifting to New Zealand for Uni I really sought big game knowledge and then spearfishing and everything else that NZ has to offer. 

What I enjoy about the outdoors:

I come away from every hunt with life lessons and in awe of the country. Some of those times I come away with meat that would cost an arm and a leg if I were to raise it on my property or buy through the chain. That satisfaction and sharing it with family and friends is priceless.

Favourite piece of clothing:

I think the Monsoon Anorak is the best piece of gear I've owned for it's simplicity and hard wearing, its lasted a decade now protecting me through some rough struggles. When the rain never seemed to stop it kept me dry and warm. Huge easy access pocket in the front. If the main chest zip goes it still can be worn and even if the pocket zip goes the storm flap keeps stuff inside dry, I love that it has these fail safe features. 

Advice for new hunters:

There is no harm in reading everything you can find in relation to your quarry or the area. Ask nicely of someone that is responsible and seemingly always successful about joining them on a hunt. There is no greater feeling than sharing the satisfaction and joy of hunting. This should fast track your knowledge and if you conduct yourself well it may open doors (gates) to a whole new world. The hunting fraternity is small and fragile so respect the privilege and maintain an honorable image to protect this way of life. 

Best hunting experience:

My first solo hunt is very memorable. My mate and I went to Stewart Island to hunt the 'Grey Ghosts'. Its thick bush and difficult stalking these cunning creatures there. I spent much of the time in the hut continuing to read all about the White Tailed Deer and their habits whilst outside the island was being battered by a storm. My friend was giving me grief "you can't read yourself a deer".

I found what seemed to be a suitable spot for the deer on a map, a small basin with an opening mostly facing the arc of the sun surrounded by steep faces, early one morning with light drizzle we set off  in different directions to prove our worth.

When I came into the selected area I had marked there was plenty of fresh sign and I soon stalked onto a record book 7 point buck. My first deer is still a cracker and even many years later I don't think I'll ever better it. 

Favourite game recipe:

When friends ask how do I cook this venison?. I always give them my old mans response "apply heat". In all seriousness though if it was a good eater dispatched quickly and the meat taken care of. Do not be afraid of heat. Steaks or stew- Get the thick flat cooking plate very hot and sear seal the meat, it should sizzle loud when it hits the pan. Then put it in the oven or cover it and sit for twice as long as it took to seal.

With practice you will perfect it to suit everyone's taste. Well done blood will come through when it all tightens up or it'll feel soft if you like it rare.

Lots of salt whilst it rests. (beforehand or during will draw moisture out)

I like to dip the venison in either soy and brown sugar or Worcester sauce. 

Yum just salivating thinking about it.

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